Rolling over rocks and shooting up the hills is a dream that every mountain biker has. Before you jump into the 30 day plan to becoming a better mountain biker, here are a few things you need to keep in mind:
If your bike starts making mysterious noises while you are on the trail, the chances are that you lose focus and most likely topple over at the next obstacle. Ensure that your bike is always well maintained and up to the mark before taking it out for a ride on the trail.
When you ride with people who are better than you, you will soon be trying to emulate them. You will also be able to pick up new tricks along the way that will make you a better mountain bike rider. Expert riders have a certain way of holding their bodies while going up a steep hill or different rocky paths, observe closely and adapt these postures to improve your riding skills. You can keep a lookout for group rides by checking up with the local bike shops in your area.
You need to relax and let your body take over when you are on the mountain bike. When you get tensed, you tend to make the wrong moves, and end up falling over and worse, even injuring yourself. As you learn to control the bike enter, you will soon stop noticing each movement and float along the obstacles easily.
The Mysterious 30- Day Plan To Become A Better Mountain Biker
The 30 Day plan has been developed to help you get a handle on biking through rough terrains, as well as be able to keep up with the race. You will need to break up the 30 days into 3 different blocks of 10 days each. For each of these 10 days, follow the following routines the first 8 days. The routine to be followed on the 9th day of each ten day slot has been explained further below. Remember that the last day of each ten day block is to rest and relax
Day 1– Bike for 1 to 2 hours on hard hills
Day 2– Bike for 1 to 2 hours on flat trails with a steady pace.
Day 3– Include hill sprints in your routine
Day 4– Try a faster pace and see how far you can go without stopping
Day 5– 2 hour practice on a flat trail with a steady pace.
Day 6– Work on downhill slopes.
Day 7– Bike for 1 hour on rocky terrain at a slow pace.
Day 8– 1 hour practice on a flat trail with a steady pace.
After the first 8 days you will follow the routines explained below for the 9th day of each ten day group:
Day 9, First 10 Slot: Choose a hill that takes about 3 minutes to climb and ride up at a fast pace. Once you are done ascending, you will descend along a fun path and make you combine your skill training with hard intervals. You will notice that your heartbeat goes up very fast with this routine.
Day 9, Second 10 Day Slot: This particular routine consists of specific intervals that will challenge the skills you have learnt till date. You will need to show your ability to ride faster than your normal pace as well and be able to reach high speeds off roads. Choose a course that has plenty of climbing and sections that you will need to ride steadily as well. As you learn to combine both the skills together, you will notice your skills are getting better.
Day 9, Third 10 Day Slot: Build up your endurance with a steady pace on a flat trail. Since your normal speed rate must have fastened after the training till date, you will notice that your pace has gone up and you are able to keep at it for a longer interval.
Once you are done that the 30 day plan, you will notice that your skills have improved considerably. However, be ready for plenty of aches and pains. You need to be careful during your riding jaunts that you do not cause any damage to the upper part of your body. Spa sessions can help relax the muscles in this regions, and help improve your posture while you are riding the bike as well. It is also prudent to be aware of the different laws that certain to injuries sustained during any sports activity. Professional Spa teams specializing in all massage types are the best way to go to recover from the rough mountain biking training that you will go through with the above plan. Indulge in a sports massage from Riverday Spa, Chennai and you will soon forget your aches and pains.
1 Comment
Nice blog!The points are essential for a mountain biker.And the 30-day plan for mountain biker is excellent.Great to know that River day spa has sports massage therapy.